Below are listed the new fragrance names (first) and the corresponding old fragrance name (second), if applicable.
Autumn Moonlight (new) - Vamp-Purr (old)
Bonfire Smoak (new) - Salem 1692 (old)
Baptism of October (new) - Witchcraft (old)
Seeking the Successive Autumns (new) - November Rain (old)
Malum Malus - same
Nevermore - same
Sleepy Hollow - same
All Hallows' Eve - same
Moustache (new) - HH Holmes (old)
Espionage & Intrigue (new) - Dahmer (old)
Black Absinthe - same
Pink... (new) - Pink... It's Like Red But Not Quite (old)
Yen - same
Geralt - same
Pinup Girl (new) - Final Girl (old)
A Victorian Christmas (new) - Krampus (old)
Wanderlust (new) - Gypsy Soul (old)
Journeyer - new release
Summerween - same
Cabana (new) - Living Dead Girl (old)
Daisy Chains - new release
Little Miss Innocent (new) - Succubus (old)
Forest Bathing (new) - Wet Ferns (old)
La Push - same
Forks - same